It also said any increase in agriculturalactivity beyond the baseline scenario will increase absolute emissions.
Sixty per cent of this vandalism related to agriculturalactivity and the process was said to be accelerating
That has forced states to study whether marijuana actually fits within their legal definitions of agriculturalactivity, she said.
As the socio-economic impact on farming communities will be heavy if the agriculturalactivity in the Western Cape continues to decline.
Alluvial groundwaters in the area where intensive agriculturalactivity takes place were geochemically investigated to evaluate factors regulating groundwater quality of alluvial aquifers.
Uso de agricultural process en inglés
The lettuce requires its own specialized agriculturalprocess, as do the tomatoes, as do the garbanzo beans.
Rationale of agriculturalprocesses.
Enormous sums had been expended in reclaiming it by draining and other familiar agriculturalprocesses, but without results at all proportional to the capital invested.